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2 января, 12:11

He comes, she plays, it does, it goes, he delivers, she cooks, it looks, he likes, it gets, she writes, he washes, she catches, he teaches, she uses.

Привести пример ну тип he likes a dog, cat

Ответы (1)
  1. 2 января, 12:53
    He always comes at 2 pm

    she plays with dog often

    it does make sense

    it goes withour saying

    he delivers pizzas

    she cooks tortilla like the best cooker in the world

    it looks like christmas tree

    he likes to draw lanscapes

    it gets better and better

    she writes science-fiction for teenagers

    she catches raindrops on his window

    he washes dish and cleans the window

    he teaches math

    she uses a calculator to count with numbers
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