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4 января, 12:02

Определить неличные формы глагола:

1. Management should ensure that young people entering employment for the first time are also given broader initial instruction covering a general introduction to their working life, including the importance of health and safety precautions.

2. A large number of young people enter industry with only limited powers of self-expression and often no social awareness.

Ответы (1)
  1. 4 января, 12:24
    1. Management should ensure (инфинитив - часть сказуемого) that young people entering (причастие) employment for the first time are also given (причастие) broader initial instruction covering (причастие) a general introduction to their working life, including (причастие) the importance of health and safety precautions.

    2. A large number of young people enter industry with only limited powers of self-expression and often no social awareness.
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