Задать вопрос
27 октября, 08:02

На каждое из предложений составить пять типов вопросов

1. He was watching TV at 7 o'clock yesterday.

2. The man plays the piano every day.

3. We listen to the radio yesterday.

4. She is working in the garden now.

Ответы (1)
  1. 27 октября, 09:42
    1. Was he watching TV at 7 o'clock yesterday?

    Was he watching TV or DVD at 7 o'clock yesterday?

    He was watching TV at 7 o'clock yesterday, wasn't he?

    What was he watching at 7 o'clock yesterday?

    Who was watching TV at 7 o'clock yesterday?

    2. Does the man play the piano every day?

    Does the man play the piano or the guitar every day?

    The man plays the piano every day, doesn't he?

    How often does the man play the piano?

    Who plays the piano every day?

    3. Did we listen to the radio yesterday?

    Did we listen to the radio or watch TV yesterday?

    We listen to the radio yesterday, didn't we?

    When did we listen to the radio?

    Who listened to the radio yesterday?

    4. Is she working in the garden now?

    Is she working or playing in the garden now?

    She is working in the garden now, isn't she?

    Where is she working now?

    Who is working in the garden now?
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