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6 декабря, 23:44

Turn the questions from direct into reported speech.

1. When Will you call me? She asked George

2. She asked "Can you play the piano?"

3. He asked Who's there?

4. Do you like fish? she asked Johnatan

5. What have you done today? Mother Asked

6. Jim asked Did you go to work yesterday?

7. How did you get here? he asked

8. Have you seen my blue jacket anywhere? she asked

9. He asked Will you take me to work tommorow?

10. She asked Where Have you been?

11. She asked will they visit us in the summer

Ответы (1)
  1. 7 декабря, 01:05
    1. She asked George what time (when) will he call her 2. She asked If I could play the piano 3. He asked if somebody is there 4. She asked Johnatan if he likes fish
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