Задать вопрос
4 ноября, 22:52

Complete these sentences with a/an, the or put-if there's no article.

1. There's _ radio in _ living room.

2. Would you like _ cup of _ tea?

3. They've got _ large house in _ centre of town.

4. We've got _ son and _ two daughters.

5. _ children are outside in _ garden.

6. What's _ main room in your flat?

7. She spoke _ very good French at _ home.

8. I flew to Lyon and spent _ two weeks in Alps.

Ответы (1)
  1. 4 ноября, 23:29
    1) a, the

    2) a, -

    3) a, the

    4) a, -

    5) The, the

    6) the

    7) -, -

    8) -
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