Задать вопрос
10 марта, 07:49

Write your own examples of sentences with the prepositions of time

Ответы (1)
  1. 10 марта, 08:05
    I was born on the 6th of May in 2003.

    We have 7 lessons on Tuesday.

    Let's go to the cinema in the evening.

    I'll come home at 5 o'clock.

    I usually wake up late on New Year's Day.

    They all go to church at Easter.

    The castle was built in the 14th century.

    We go to the beach in summer.

    The train leaves at 10:42.

    Everybody should sleep at night.


    I usually do my homework after lunch.

    Peter goes jogging before breakfast.

    Friday comes after Thursday.

    I always have breakfast before going to school.
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