Задать вопрос
25 июня, 13:36

315. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple, Present

Simple or Present Perfect.

Carla Brown has a job in advertising. It's a good job, and she ... (earn) over

$60,000 a year. She ... (study) marketing at college, and then ... (find) a job with

a small advertising agency in Manchester. Since then she ... (change) her job several

times. Now she ... (work) for Jerome and Jerome, which is a big company

with offices all over the world. She ... (be) with this company for three years. The

company has clients in America, and she ... (be) there several times on business.

Last year she ... (spend) six months there.

Ответы (1)
  1. 25 июня, 15:24
    Carla Brown has a job in advertising. It's a good job, and she (a) earns over £20,000 a year. She (b) was studying marketing at college, and then (c) found a job with a small advertising agency in Manchester. Since then she (d) changed her job several times. Now she (e) works for Jerome and Jerome, which is a big company with offices all over the world. She (f) has been with the company for three years.

    The company has clients in America, and she (g) was there several times on business. Last year she (h) spent six months there.
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