Задать вопрос
21 февраля, 11:55

Past Simple Passive and Active (1)

1. This book ... five years ago.

a) Was written

b) Write

c) Wrote

d) Written

2. They ... all the questions well.

a) Answered

b) Answer

c) Were answered

d) Was answered

3. Where ... all these postcards and maps?

a) Did you give

b) Were you given

c) You was given

d) Gave you

4. The animals ... in cages for a long time.

a) Kept

b) Keeping

c) Were kept

d) Was kept

5. The birds ... their food from the plate.

a) Were eaten

b) Was eaten

c) Eaten

d) Ate

Ответы (1)
  1. 21 февраля, 12:13
    1) a

    2) a

    3) b

    4) c

    5) d
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