Задать вопрос
3 марта, 19:28

He had been playing football for an hour before the seven o'clock meeting.

Первую часть: "He had been playing football"

вставить в 11 времен, т. е в

в Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

Simple Past.

Past Continuous

Past Perfect.

Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous

Ответы (1)
  1. 3 марта, 19:59
    He plays football (Simple Present)

    He is playing football (Present Continuous)

    He has played football (Present Perfect)

    He has been playing football (Present Perfect Continuous)

    He played football (Simple Past)

    He was playing football (Past Continuous)

    He had played football (Past Perfect)

    He will play football (Future Simple)

    He will be playing football (Future Continuous)

    He will have played football (Future Perfect)

    He will have been playing football (Future Perfect Continuous)
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