Задать вопрос
3 мая, 18:33

I need ... milk from the super market a) some b) four. Americans eat ... for Thanksgiving a) chicken b) turkey. There are ... carrots in the fridge a) a b) some. Do you want ... apple a) an b) a. I've got tea and ... buscuits a) a b) there. This is a ... of olive oil a) packet b) bottle. There aren't ... eggs in the fridge a) some b) any. There is ... but there aren't any potatoes a) some b) any. I don't like vegetables so i never eat a) grapes b) cabbage. You be quiet in the library a) must b) mustn't. ABC theatre presents ... "The Rose" a) theatre b) play. We can see the girafesa the a) theatre b) zoo.

Ответы (1)
  1. 3 мая, 19:17
    1. a

    2. b

    3. b

    4. a

    5. a

    6. b

    7. b

    8. a

    9. b

    10. a

    11. b

    12. b
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