Задать вопрос
29 июля, 23:41

Present Perfect употребляется со словами, выражающими

L J незаконченный период времени.

Ex. 7 * Say w hat you have done / haven't done this w eek

(m onth, year).

• to study the Present Perfect Tense,

• to have business talks with the customers,

• to speak with friends on the phone,

• to watch some interesting programmes on TV,

• to read some messages in English,

• to visit some production plants outside Moscow,

• to make some good contracts,

• to go on business to some Russian cities,

• to work on the computer very much,

• to discuss a lot of business problems with the director

• to see an amusing comedy,

• to go to the sports centre.

Ответы (1)
  1. 30 июля, 00:28
    I have studied the Present Perfect Tense,

    I have not had business talks with the customers,

    I have spoken with friends on the phone,

    I have watched some interesting programmes on TV,

    I have not read any messages in English,

    I have not visited any production plants outside Moscow,

    I have not made any good contracts,

    I have not been on business to any Russian cities,

    I have not worked on the computer very much,

    I have not discussed a lot of business problems with the director.

    I have seen an amusing comedy,

    I have been to the sports centre.
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