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30 марта, 06:19

Мини эссе на тему "Money doesn't grow on trees"

Do you agree or not? Why? Give examples.

10-15 средних предложений.

Ответы (1)
  1. 30 марта, 07:11
    Эссе на тему: Money doesn't grow on trees. I agree with the statement that money doesn't grow on trees. Nowadays it is not so easy to get money. If you want to have money you must find a job. You must also work hard at school and university. There are many kinds of jobs: a teacher, an engineer, a programmer et cetera. You must find not only a highly-paid but also a suitable job. For example when a person is good at mathematics he cannot become a historian. He can become a teacher who teaches pupils maths. Although a teacher is not a highly-paid job but it is suitable and interesting for the people who know a subject. If you want to have a job with a good salary you must study well at school. All your future depends on it. In conclusion I want to say that money is very valuable nowadays and you must not waste your time and work hard.
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