Задать вопрос
18 июня, 21:24

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

1. If the weather will be fine tomorrow, we Will have a picnic.

2. Bread are eaten every day.

3. She said she will go to the cinema next week.

4. Mikes and Ann's flat is on the third floor.

5. My money are in my bag.

6. Mother didn't went to work yesterday.

7. This jeans are very expensive

8. A true friend always betrays you.

9. A new school is building in our district now.

10. A person who practises or studies law is called road sweeper.

Ответы (2)
  1. 18 июня, 21:56
    1. If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will have a picnic. 2. Bread is eaten every day. 3. She said she would go to the cinema next week. 4. Mike and Ann's flat is on the third floor. 5. My money is in my bag. 6. Mother didn't go to work yesterday. 7. These jeans are very expensive. 8. A true friend never betrays you. 9. A new school is being built in our district now. 10. A person who practises or studies law is called a lawyer.
  2. 18 июня, 22:56
    1) fine или же joyfully.

    2) bread IS Eaten

    3) вместо will, would.

    4) всё нормально.

    5) вместо Аre IS.

    6) вместо went в правильную форму, GO.

    7) OK.

    8) вместо Always, never.

    9) Belng
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