Задать вопрос
18 марта, 20:48

Choose the best words from the brackets. 1) Yesterday I bought ... (some/any) green apples. 2) Are there ... (some/any) oranges in the basket? 3) Oh, we have ... (any/no) bread at home. Lets go to the shop. 4) There is ... (some/any) jam in the fridge. 5) Have you got ... (some/any) books in this shop?

Ответы (1)
  1. 18 марта, 21:19
    1) Yesterday I bought ... (some) green apples.

    2) Are there ... (any) oranges in the basket?

    3) Oh, we have ... (no) bread at home. Lets go to the shop.

    4) There is ... (some) jam in the fridge.

    5) Have you got ... (any) books in this shop?
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