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26 сентября, 08:32

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"Cold drinks"

Mineral water ... (be) a cold drink. So ... (be) fruit juice. But many cold drinks ... (be) sweet and are in bottles or cans. In most of the USE. they ... (call) these drink "soads", in Canada (and some areas of the USE. near Canada) they ... (be) "pop", and in Britian they ... (be) "soft drinks" or "fizz drinks"."Pop" was also the old British name bit you ... (not, hear) it nowadays

Ответы (1)
  1. 26 сентября, 09:26
    Mineral water (is) a cold drink. So (is) fruit juice. But many cold drinks (are) sweet and are in bottles or cans. In most of the USA they call these drink "soads", in Canada (and some areas of the USA near Canada) they (are) "pop", and in Britian they (are) "soft drinks" or "fizz drinks". "Pop" was also the old British name but you do (not hear) it nowadays.
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