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3 декабря, 00:28

Не большой текст на английском языке, на тему * Почему я люблю рождество*.

Ответы (1)
  1. 3 декабря, 02:12
    Christmas is the holiday of my soul. It is cold outside, and the sky is gloomy, but the flowers burst into bloom deep in my heart. Christmas is the victory of good over evil. All sins disappear on this day like rats, hiding in the deepest holes. They can’t bare that light, that love which is given to us on the day of Christmas. People go home loaded down with toys and Christmas presents, which will be hidden under the Christmas tree or in the knitted stockings. The tables are set. Christmas goose, potatoes, salads, cakes ... There is a delicious smell in every house! People sit down at the tables, and grace is said. Candles flare up on the Christmas tree, and people wish happiness to each other. Christmas is he time to forget all the offenses you had to bear, and to forgive everyonewho hurt you and was unfair to you, who was not kind to you. To forgive and to forget ... It is not very easy. But you should try. Just do it. That’s what Christ did. He died on the cross to save us. He forgave our sins. Why shouldn’t we try to forgive? But if you say, "I can forgive, but I cannot forget," it is only another way of saying, "I will not forgive." To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was you. Every person should have a special cemetery lot in which to bury the faults of friends and loved ones. This is the main meaning of the spirit of Christmas. I wish you to get to know it, and live with this spirit not only at Christmas time, but all during the year. God bless us, everyone!
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Ответы (1)
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Ответы (2)
Помогите перевести текст на английский. Обычно я учусь на 4 и 5. По алгебре и геометрии я имею 5 и 4. Я люблю решать примеры, задачи и уравнения. Биологию я не очень люблю потому что она скучная. Литературу я люблю. Обячно мы учим стихи на изусть.
Ответы (1)
Помогите люди добрые! Написать сочинение на английском! Вот так только на английском языке: Привет! Меня зовут Азиза. Мне 11 лет. Я учусь в 5 классе. И я люблю рисовать это мое хобби. Люблю розовый цвет а еще люблю учиться!
Ответы (1)