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14 октября, 18:41

Choose the correct variant. (Выберите правильный вариант)

The Oldest University

The oldest university in the United Kingdom is the University of Oxford, which _1_ into being c. 1167. The oldest of the _2_ colleges is probably University College (1249), though its foundation is less well documented than that of Merton in 1264. The earliest college at Cambridge University _3_ Peterhouse, founded in 1284. The _4_at either university is Trinity College, Cambridge, founded in 1546. The _5_ university in Scotland is the university of St Andrews, Fife. _6_ as a university in 1411, theology and medicine may _7_ there since c. 900 AD.

1. 1) to come 2) came 3) come 4) was

2. 1) exist 2) existence 3) existing 4) to exist

3. 1) are 2) is 3) not 4) will be

4. 1) big 2) larger 3) large 4) largest

5. 1) one 2) new 3) oldest 4) last

6. 1) established 2) opened 3) appeared 4) known

7. 1) be 2) teach 3) have taught 4) have been taught

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  1. 14 октября, 19:08






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