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10 июня, 08:05

Закончите предложения с I/me/we/us/you/he/him/she/her/they/them 1. I want to see her but ... doesnt want to see ... 2. I want to see him but ... doesnt want to see ... 3. They want to see me but ... dont want to see ... 4. We want to see them but ... dont want to see ... 5. She wants to see him but ... doesnt want to see ... 6. They want to see her but ... doesnt want to see ... 7. I want to see them but ... dont want to see ... 8. He wants to see us but ... dont want to see ... 9. You want to see her but ... doesnt want to see ...

Ответы (1)
  1. 10 июня, 08:25
    1. she/me

    2. he/me

    3. me/them

    4. they/us

    5. he/her

    6. her/them

    7. they/me

    8. we/him

    9. she/you
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Как правильно написать: they (dont / doesnt) skate his uncle (dont / doesnt) like to ski my dog (have / has) a puppy his mother (dont / doesnt) skate his sisters (dont / doesnt) swim my unkle (dont / doesnt) swim our mother (dont / doesnt) ski that
Ответы (1)
Помогите сделать английский. поставить нужную форму глагола. переведи предложение на русский язык. 1. sasha ... (go) to school in the morning/ вопрос. do/does отрицание. dont/doesnt 2. tne baby ... (cry) a lot at night. вопрос. do/does отрицание.
Ответы (1)
Косвенные местоимения (Indirect pronouns). I me He likes me. you you I love you. he him She loves him. she her He loves her. it it We don't like it. we us Come with us. they them Listen to them. Упражнение 18. Подчеркните правильное местоимение.
Ответы (1)
Напишите по образцу употребив слово never 1. bob doesnt go to school on saturday 2. my uncle doesnt go to the Zoo 3. my mother doesnt write letters 4. my aunt doesnt eat sweets 5. babies dont drink coffee 6. my friends dont celebrate Halloween 7.
Ответы (1)
Мэри хочет знать, где вы достигли эту газету А) Mary wants to know where have you got this newspaper B) Mary wants to know where did you get this newspaper C) Mary wants to know where you had got this newspaper D) Mary wants to know where had you
Ответы (1)