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15 августа, 08:09

Fill in the gaps with the reflexive pronouns.

1. Forget it! I'll do it ...

2. She burnt ... on the oven yesterday.

3. He talks to ... all the time. It doesn't mean he's crazy.

4. We all enjoyed ... very much on the picnic.

5. The protesters locked ... in the church and refused to come out

6. Your sister is very busy, so you'll have to do this task by ...

Ответы (1)
  1. 15 августа, 09:06
    1. Forget it! I'll do it myself.

    2. She burnt herself on the oven yesterday.

    3. He talks to himself all the time. It doesn't mean he's crazy.

    4. We all enjoyed ourselves very much on the picnic.

    5. The protesters locked themselves in the church and refused to come out

    6. Your sister is very busy, so you'll have to do this task by yourself.
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