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5 февраля, 16:41

Поставить в Past Simple 1. What your friend (to do) yesterday? Mr. Brown (to clean) his car yesterday morning. My wife (to water) plants in the garden. 4. Their children (to go) to the yard and then they (to play) basketball. 5. In the morning their boys (to listen) to loud music and (to watch) TV. 6. Their little boys (to cry) a little and then (to smile). 7. Her sisters (to shout) at her. 8. Betty (to work) in the kitch en. 9. She (to bake) a delicious apple pie. 10. She (to cook) a good dinner. 11. She (to wash) the dishes and (to look) very tired. 12. The children (to brush) their teeth, (to yawn) a little and (to go) to bed. 13. Their grandmother (to change) her clothes and (to brush) her hair. Then she (to talk) on the phone. 14. Her husband (to smoke) a cigarette and (to talk) to his wife. 15. The bus (to arrive) at 9 o'clock. 16. We (to visit) their friends. 17. They (to dance) yesterday. 18. We real ly (to have) a wonderful time at our friends.

Ответы (1)
  1. 5 февраля, 17:09
    1. did, cleaned, watered

    4. went, played

    5. listened, watched

    6. cried, smiled

    7. shouted

    8. worked

    9. baked

    10. cooked

    11. washed, looked

    12. brushed, yawned, went

    13. changed, brushed, talked

    14. smoked, talked

    15. arrived

    16. visited

    17. danced

    18. had
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