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7 июня, 09:27

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Susan has got a short nose. His rabbits has got very long ears. The flower has got three leaves. Eliza has got a big red bag. I have got a bottle of milk. His parrot has got long wings. My elder brother has got a new watch. Hengry and George have got grey shoes. My mother has got a gold ring. We have got a swimming pool in the yard. The dog has got a big bone. His sister has got blond hair. I have got blue eyes. Carol has got long green skirt. Nan and Bad have got a jae of jam. Her cousin has got a piece of cheese. My mother has got a kilo of meat. They have got three white candles.

Ответы (1)
  1. 7 июня, 10:59
    Has Susan got a short nose?

    Has his rabbits got very long ears?

    Has the flower got three leaves?

    Has Eliza got a big red bag?

    Дальше по такойже схеме пиши

    Has ☺got ...
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