Задать вопрос
1 августа, 20:03

Fill in each space with a suitable modal verb or its equivalent. Translate the sentences into Russian.

2. Nobody answers the phone. They should ... be out (should, would, can, must).

3. I have to ... get up early on Monday (to be able, have to, must, may).

4. The policeman told the woman she need not ... worry (need not, could not, must not).

5. To my mind, the government ... must ... take care of old people (ought, need to, must, may).

6. Little children like books with large print. They can ... read them more easily (should, must, can, have to).

7. As you may ... remember, I was always interested in scientific experiments (may, have to, must, ought to).

8. We ... can. use dictionaries at the exam. (must, can, may)

9. The teacher ... should know her students well (can, should, must, may).

10. She ... need not come to the office today, the boss will be away (must, can, need

Ответы (1)
  1. 1 августа, 21:50
    2) must

    4) doesn't need to

    5) скорее ought to

    9) неочевидный выбор между should и must

    10) doesn't need to

    Остальное верно.
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