Задать вопрос
18 марта, 19:47

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the population of the US?

2. what does it consist of?

3, what is its climate like?

Измените глагол - сказуемое в следующих предложениях, поставив его во все временные формы

1. I read newspapers every evening

2. She does her English every day

3. The students translate texts at the lesson?

4. He works at the bank

Ответы (1)
  1. 18 марта, 20:36
    1. The population of the USA is 323 952 889 people.

    2. P opulation of U. S. cities consists of sharply isolated from other groups of whites, blacks, Puerto Ricans

    3. The country's climate is fairly mild with warm summers and cool winters, although the Northern and mountain areas (especially in Alaska) winters are cold and snowy.

    1. I read newspapers yesterday

    1. I m reading newspapers now

    1. I ll read newspapers tomorrow

    2. She did her English yesterday

    2. She s doing her English now

    2. She ll do her English tomorrow

    3. Do students translate texts at the lesson?

    3. Did students translate texts at the lesson?

    3. Will students translate texts at the lesson?
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