Задать вопрос
26 января, 10:05

Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Kate was bored because she ... (not/go out) all weekend.

2. We ... (walk) for an hour when in started to rain.

3. This time last week we ... (lie) on a beach.

4. After Bill ... (mow) the lawn, he collected the gdass cuttings for compost.

5. I didn't sleep well last night because I ... (worry) about my exams.

6. Daniel felt ill last night because he ... (eat) sweets all day.

7. John ... (wash) the car when it started to rain.

8. Wendy ... (cook) dinner for over two hours before the puests arrived.

9. Paul ... (not/watch) a DVD yesterday.

10. Jim ... (not/finish) all his homework by the time he went to bed.

Ответы (1)
  1. 26 января, 10:42

    2. walked

    3. were lieing

    4. mowed

    5. worried

    6. ate

    7. was washing

    8. cooked

    9. didn't watch

    10. didn't finish
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