Задать вопрос
23 января, 01:00

Определите, какой частью речи является - ing - форма.

1. The smoking of the cigarettes is harmful.


Participle I

Verbal noun

2. Playing tennis is useful.


Participle I

Verbal noun

3. She came in smiling kindly.


Participle I

Verbal noun

4. He stopped smoking.


Participle I

Verbal noun

5. He is smoking.


Participle I

Verbal noun

6. When reading a book I found your letter.


Participle I

Verbal noun

7. The teacher is examining the student.


Participle I

Verbal noun

8. While watching TV I fall asleep.


Participle I

Verbal noun

9. My brother will be translating his text.


Participle I

Verbal noun

10. It is the same building.


Participle I

Verbal noun

Ответы (1)
  1. 23 января, 01:18
    1 Verbal noun

    2 Gerund

    3 Participle I

    4 Gerund

    5 Participle I

    6 Participle I

    7 Participle I

    8 Participle I

    9 Participle I

    10 Verbal noun
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