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21 августа, 03:13

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of words given:

1. February is (cold) than March.

2. John Williams is (young) than me.

3. Lake Baikal is (deep) than this lake.

4. Peter is (tall) than Boris.

5. Our flat is (more/less) comfortable than yours.

6. This dictation is (more/less) difficult than yesterday's one.

7. This bird is (more/less) beautiful than ours.

8. Alex's wrist-watch is (more/less) expensive than mine.

Ответы (2)
  1. 21 августа, 03:23
    1 (ал твоя носков водяной ул очень
  2. 21 августа, 04:29
    1. colder 2. younger 3. deeper 4. taller 5. more 6. more 7. less 8. less
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