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Вчера, 05:07

Английский соч. на тему рассказать про свой город Владикавказ

Ответы (1)
  1. Вчера, 08:08
    City ... Noisy, dusty, bustling, suffocating exhaust fumesincessant and deafening roar of machinery. It's cold and dark ... Thousands and thousands of people pass by, omittingeyes around and not seeing anything except their own problems. Userssleep, they have no time to wake up. And why? With sadness and hopelessnessThey met another gray morning. You walk down the street and think, if hundreds of people around, but it is not. You're the one, the onlya tiny island in the cold ocean other people's problems. But you walk down the streets and you rejoice. What? I do not know. Probably, just the fact that you live in the heavens the sun is shining; rejoicewind, tangled hair, move his fingers, stroking, as a beloved puppy. You go, and time is flowing all around you, piercingevery cell of the body. And you feel that you belong to himIt exists not just in itself, but in time, drags and a soft, as warm water ...
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