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13 августа, 08:28

Act the dialogue out filling in the gaps with the correct prepositions: on, to, about, with, without, of, for.

Murad: Hi, Aygul! What are you doing?

Aygul: I'm listening ... music.

Murad: What kind ... music do you like to listen ... ?

Aygul: I like folk music, Tural. And what ... you?

Murad: But I like pop music. What other kinds ... music do you know, Aygul?

Aygul: Jazz, rock, opera.

Murad: What is music ... you? Can you imagine your life ... music?

Aygul: I think, no. Music is food ... our souls. Music is a product.

Our mood may depend ... music.

Murad: I agree ... you. Yes, music has a deep intellectual appeal and a strong ethical effect. It can create a special spiritual world ... the listener.

Aygul: And I think to play a musical instrument is a great pleasure, too.

Murad: You are right, Aygul!

Ответы (1)
  1. 13 августа, 08:54
    1. to

    2. of

    3. to

    4. about

    5. of

    6. for

    7. without

    8. for

    9. on

    10. with

    11. for
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