Задать вопрос
8 июня, 23:28

1. Выбери слово, более подходящее по смыслу.

1) To interview someone ...

a) to give an interview b) to read an interview c) to ask somebody questions

2) parents ...

a) mum and dad b) sister and brother c) grandma and grandpa

3) sociable

a) serious b) talkative c) independent

2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.

1) Linda Silvester will be responsible for an English-Russian students ... next year.

a) chracteristik b) exchange c) description

2) The Silvesters are a typical English family. They are ... and close.

a) talkative b) caring c) main

3) My mother and father are kind and caring. I love my ...

a) characteristics b) parents c) classmates

4) The famous sportsman often ... interviews to different magazines.

a) does b) makes c) gives

5) Could we ... a date and time now?

a) arrange b) make c) do

Ответы (1)
  1. 9 июня, 01:08
    1) To interview someone ...

    c) to ask somebody questions

    2) parents ...

    a) mum and dad

    3) sociable

    b) talkative

    2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.

    1) Linda Silvester will be responsible for an English-Russian students ... next year.

    b) exchange

    2) The Silvesters are a typical English family. They are ... and close.

    b) caring

    3) My mother and father are kind and caring. I love my ...

    b) parents

    4) The famous sportsman often ... interviews to different magazines.

    c) gives

    5) Could we ... a date and time now?

    a) arrange
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