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16 августа, 16:28

I aА1 ... of senior pupils ... self-organised and disciplined. 1) A majority ... is 2) The majority ... is 3) The majority ... are 4) A majority ... are A2. The police agreed that it was the ... fault as he had crossed the street on the red light. 1) passer's-by 2) passer-by 3) passer-by's 4) passer's-by's A3. The company promised ... good salary for the right person. 1) a 2) an 3) the 4) - A4. M. Thatcher, who was ... Prime Minister of Great Britain, is now known as ... Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven. 1) a, a 2) a, the 3) the, - 4) -, the A5. Usually, it is ... matter of discussing things till we reach ... agreement. 1) a, an 2) -, the 3) the, the 4) -, -

Ответы (2)
  1. 16 августа, 17:31
    The majority ... are


    a good salary

    the Prime ...

    the matter ...
  2. 16 августа, 18:15
    1. 3) The majority ... are

    2. 3) passer-by's 4) passer's-by's

    3. 1) a

    4. 4) -, the

    5. 1) a, an
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