Задать вопрос
15 ноября, 13:43

Поставьте в утвердительную, вопросительную, отрицательную форму

1) They saw your brither (в вопросительную и отрицательную)

2) Did Pete go to the cinema? (утвердительную и отрицательную)

3) We didn't understand the lasson (вопрос и утверд)

4) The cat goes up the tree (вопросит и отриц)

5) Does Hob drink tea for breakfast? (утв и отр)

6) They could understand every thing (вопр и отриц)

7) The waiters can't drink or smoke (утв и вопр)

8) Could the cat cause a wedding? (утв и отриц)

9) The cows didn't eat all the cabbages. (утвер и вопрос)

10) They are not brathers (вопрос и отриц)

Ответы (1)
  1. 15 ноября, 15:39
    1) did they see your brother? they didn't see your brother

    2) Pete went to the cinema. Pete didn't go to the cinema

    3) did we understand the lesson? we understood the lesson

    4) does the cat go up the tree? the cat doesn't go up the tree

    5) Hob drinks tea for breakfast. Hob doesn't drink tea for breakfast

    6) could they understand any thing? They couldn't understand any thing

    7) the waiters can drink or smoke. can the waiters drink or smoke?

    8) the cat could cause the wedding. the cat couldn't cause the wedding

    9) the cows ate all the cabbages. did the cows eat all the cabbages?

    10) are they brothers? отрицание уже есть, мб утверждение надо? they are brothers
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