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23 марта, 18:37

3. Перепишите предложение, используя конструкцию I wish + Past Perfect.

1) I saw this horror film. - I wish

2) You didn't come to my wedding. - I wish

3) The teacher didn't explain that rule. - I wish

4) She didn't listen to her mother. - I wish

5) They didn't invite my friends. - I wish

6) He didn't feed his dog. - I wish

7) You forgot your keys. - I wish

8) I didn't take your advice. - I wish

9) You threw these notes away. - I wish

10) I couldn't answer that question. - I wish

Ответы (1)
  1. 23 марта, 19:45
    1) I wish I had seen this horror film.

    2) I wish you had not come to my wedding. -

    3) I wish the teacher had not explained that rule.

    4) I wish she had not listened to her mother.

    5) I wish they had not invited my friends.

    6) I wish he hadn't fed his dog.

    7) I wish you had forgotten your keys.

    8) I wish I hadn't took your advice.

    9) I wish you had thrown these notes away.

    10) I wish I couldn’t have answered that question
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