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6 июля, 23:52

1/When is your birthday? 2/How did you celebrate your last birthday? Did you arrange a birthday? 3/Who did you invite? Did you write invitation lettes? 4/What did you do at the party? Did you play ahy boatd games? 5/Did you have a birthday cake? Your friends and relatives sang a special birthday song to you did not they? 6/What presents did you get? 7/Did you have a geat time? Do you usually enjoy your birthday parties? Мой день рождения 25 апреля

Ответы (1)
  1. 7 июля, 00:22
    1. My birthday is on the 25th of April.

    2. I celebrated my last birthday in a restaurant. Yes, I did.

    3. I invited my best friends. I didn't write invitation letters.

    4. We danced at the party. No, we didn't play any board games.

    5. Yes, we had a birthday cake. No, they didn't sing a special birthday song.

    6. I got many flowers and toys.

    7. Yes, I did.

    8. Yes, I usually enjoy my birthday parties.
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