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19 марта, 11:18

Write the questions. James:1) ... Sarah: I went to the cinema last night. James:2) ... Sarah: Katie and Mike came with me. James:3) ... Sarah:We watched a drama film. James:4) ... Sarah: Yes, there were lots of people at the cinema. James:5) ... Sarah: It finished at 7 o'clock. James:6) ... Sarah:Yes, It was a great film. James:7) ... Sarah: Brad Pitt starred in it. James:8) ... Sarah:It was called 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'.

Ответы (1)
  1. 19 марта, 12:33
    1 Where did you go last night?

    2 Who were with you?

    3 What did you watch?

    4 Is it true that at the cinema were lots of people?

    5 In what time film finished?

    6 Is it was a great film?

    7 Who starred in it?

    8 What was the name of the film?
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