Задать вопрос
27 февраля, 17:04

Упр. 1.

Употребите следующие местоимения: "те", "you",

"him", "her", "it", "us",


1. She gave ... the

book and asked to return ... to ... next week. 2. Are you going to invite ...

to your party? She is such a bore! 3. My parents are coming to see ... on

Saturday. I like to spend my weekend with ... 4. I didn't like the film. I

don't want to speak about ... 5. We'll be very happy if you go on a trip with

... 6. Don't ask ... this question. I don't know how to answer ... 7. If she

doesn't arrive tomorrow send ... a telegram. 8. I'm sorry to trouble ..., but

I want ... to do ... a favour. 9. Let's not wait for ..., they are always

late. 10. Do you want ... to do it for ... ? I don't mind ...

Ответы (1)
  1. 27 февраля, 18:27
    1. me, it, her

    2. her

    3. me, them

    4. it

    5. us

    6. me, it

    7. her

    8. you, you, me

    9. them

    10. me, you, it
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