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4 декабря, 21:24

Соотнести, одно определение лишнее:

1. Waste paper, cans etc. that people have thrown away and left on the ground in a public place. a) to comprise

2. Animals and plants growing in natural conditions. b) shortage

3. To affect the way someone or something develops, behaves, thinks etc. without directly forcing or ordering them. c) to endanger

4. The process of making air, water, soil etc. dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use. d) litter

5. To consist of particular parts, groups etc. e) to concern

6. A situation in which there is not enough of something that people need. f) pollution

7. To put someone or something in danger of being hurt, damaged, or destroyed. g) to influence

8. To make someone feel worried or upset.

Ответы (1)
  1. 4 декабря, 22:03
    1 не дописано слово

    2 d

    3 g

    4 f

    5 a

    6 b

    7 c

    8 e
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