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4 декабря, 17:22

Нужно написать сочинение "Как я провела Новый Год." (я в 7-ом классе).

Ответы (2)
  1. 4 декабря, 17:37
    As is usual in our family for 2-3 weeks before the New Year we

    the menu is a festive table and write out a list of products that must be

    buy something to buy in advance and not get lost in the sea

    pre-New Year sales. Shura ordered gefilte fish, Sergei salad

    calamari, Greek salad, I, and by tradition we always baked cake from

    semi-finished products, not to bathe with cakes. In the end, everything turned out not

    as we expected. It all started with the fact that no one wanted to kill the living

    Carp, who did not want to fall asleep himself, despite the 4-hour walk on

    frost in a plastic bag. While decided what to do with carp, digested

    squid. They turned out rubber. With this bustle forgot to put the champagne

    in the refrigerator. It later emerged that in a hurry instead of bunches of celery, parsley

    and cilantro was purchased three beams cilantro, black olives, pitted and were

    olives with pits. Exactly at 24 00 for a hastily assembled holiday table

    all clinked champagne warm (I'm a warm carrot juice) and ran the entire

    family into the kitchen to pick out seeds from olives. As a result, at a gala

    table, which we podgrebli in the morning, it was: warm champagne, salad

    rubber squid, live carp, which we released in the bath (and themselves and not

    time to take a shower), a Greek salad without celery, parsley, and smeared with

    soft cheese and olives, dig, and not rising cake in the oven and

    bananas, which are bought in advance for the day 3 and that had become covered with "corpse"

    stains. The holiday was a success!
  2. 4 декабря, 18:43
    Ребята я хочу рассказать как я встретила 2012 Новый год. Сначала мы с мамой украсили праздничный стол: красивая красная скатерть на ней еловые шишки и зеленые свечи. В высоких хрустальных вазах красовались мандарины и апельсины. Папа привез настоящую елку и запах хвои был по всему дому. Часы пробили 12 и свершилось чудо. Дед Мороз (а я знаю что это мама и папа) подарил мне мою мечту. Путевку в Дисней ленд. Потом был взрыв фейерверка и звон шампанского. И все зимние каникулы я провела в Дисней ленде. Но сказка иногда кончается и я снова с вами на школьных занятиях.

    Guys I want to tell you how I met the New Year 2012. At first my mother and Idecorated the holiday table: a beautiful red cloth on her fir cones and green candles. In the high crystal vase adorned with tangerines and oranges. Dad brought a realChristmas tree and the smell of pine needles was around the house. The clock struck12 and a miracle happened. Santa Claus (and I know it's mom and dad) gave me my dream. A ticket to Disney Land. Then there was the explosion of fireworks and the sound of champagne. And all the winter holidays I spent in Disney Land. But the storysometimes ends and I'm with you again at school.
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