Задать вопрос
2 мая, 01:46

Use the promts to ask and answer.

пример - 1. (Mary/go swimming/at weekends)

A. Does Mary go swimming at weekends?

B. No, she doesnt. She goes skiing.

2. (Eddie/drink water/in the morning)

3. (Ben and Mike/play footbal/after school)

4. (Betty/play/the piano)

Ответы (2)
  1. 2 мая, 02:59
    2. Does Eddie drink water in the morning? No, he doesn't. He drinks juice.

    3. Do Ben and Mike play footbal after school? No, they don't. They play volleyball.

    4. Does Betty playhe piano? No, she doesn't. She plays the guitar.
  2. 2 мая, 03:23
    2. Does Eddie drink water in the morning?

    No, he doesnt

    3. Do Mickey and Ben play football after school?

    No, they dont

    4. Does Betty play piano?

    No, she doesnt
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